After 48 years, Massachusetts' oldest unidentified murder victim has finally been given a name. Ruth Marie Terry. She was brutally murdered and left in a secluded area of Cape Cod in beautiful Provincetown. We learn about the legacy of the the search for her identity and all questions it poses: Who is Ruth? How did she get there? Who is responsible? Who are authorities looking for? What brough her to the Cape that summer? So many questions. Very few answers.
Crime of the Truest Kind New England crime stories Hosted by Anngelle Wood Follow @crimeofthetruestkind Listen + Rate + Review Everywhere you listen to podcasts Become a patron on Patreon! Music from Joe only one Kowalski and Andrew King appears in this episode Thank you for listening.
This is an open case and anyone with information about either Guy Muldavin's or Ruth Terry's whereabouts in Cape Cod, Massachusetts and New England from 1973 to 1974 is asked to call police at 1-800-KAPTURE, emailing or by texting 226787

Rory Gene Kesinger is still missing

The Lady's marker

Ruth Marie Terry in her younger years

Photo of Ruth's body in the dunes in Provincetown

FBI seeking information about Ruth

Police Seek Info on Man ‘Lady of the Dunes' Married Months Before Her Death - NBC Boston
Ruth Terry family history - SFGate
The Creepy Husband - Boston Globe
The Clark Brothers = Daily Mail
The Disappearance of Sarah Pryor,
What we know about Lady of the Dunes - Boston Globe
Golden State Killer DeAngelo
Alleged Bear Brook murderer Terry Rasmussen
Historic Mysteries
Lady of the Dunes DNA - Cape Cod Times
Lady of the Dunes 2000 Exhumation
Ruth Terry’s background - New York Times
The Husband - Boston Globe
Lady of the Dunes IDed, now where is her husband - NBC News
Rory Kesinger
How Ruth was found - Cape Cod Times
Chief Meads, Provincetown - Wicked Local
DA Philip A. Rollins
Lady of the Dunes in Provincetown