Episode Ten! Amazing.
In part two, we learn about the dark double life of a man who'd turned to murder to escape his mounting problems.
Rachel and Neil Entwistle were a happy couple, new parents to Lillian Rose, born in April 2005. They’d returned to Rachel’s home state of Massachusetts to raise the baby and be closer to Rachel’s family. A native of Worksop, England, Neil was looking to make a go of it in the US. They'd met when Rachel was studying abroad at York University in Northern England and Neil was working on a degree in Engineering. Their love blossomed on the rowing team - the boat house was on Love Lane. It was clear to everyone who knew them that they were destined to be together forever. That's why the events of January 20, 2006 were so shocking and left everyone in disbelief.
See Neil Entwistle awkwardly cry at the sight of his dead daughter. Or laughing? I don't know.
Crime of the Truest Kind Hosted by Anngelle Wood Online at CrimeoftheTruestKind.com instagram.com/crimeofthetruestkind twitter.com/truestkind facebook.com/crimeofthetruestkind Available everywhere you get your stories crimeofthetruestkind.buzzsprout.com Thank you, Andrew King and Joe Kowalski for use of some songs that appear in this episode

SOURCES | Neil Entwistle
3 Experts Explain Why Some People Are Attracted to Serial Killers
Irish Mirror - Evil killer Neil Entwistle admits he WAS in house when his wife and baby were shot dead
Herald News - At murder sentencing, Entwistle’s in-laws tell court of shattered dreams, June 27, 2008 https://www.heraldnews.com/x833721341/At-murder-sentencing-Entwistles-in-laws-tell-court-of-shattered-dreams
Nottingham Post - Neil Entwistle's father explains why he will never believe his son killed wife and baby daughter, Feb 2, 2019
The Mask of Sanity
The Independent - Entwistle tries to sell story, October 23, 2011
Boston Herald - Nude Neil Entwistle, June 22, 2008
The Guardian - 'Perfect' marriage belied addiction to online sex, June 25 2008 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2008/jun/25/neil.entwistle.background
CNN - Entwistle documents http://www.cnn.com/2006/LAW/02/14/entwistle.documents
MetroWest Daily - A reporter looks back on the Entwistle murders, Jan 20, 2016 https://www.metrowestdailynews.com/article/20160120/NEWS/160129533 Boston Globe - Entwistle appeal rejected by SJC: Man convicted of killing wife, baby, Aug 15, 2012 https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.bpl.org/bostonglobe/docview/1033376702/A6A81CDE8A524B97PQ/6?accountid=9675
MetroWest Daily - Experts discuss forensic evidence in Entwistle murder trial https://www.metrowestdailynews.com/article/20080617/NEWS/306179925 Enterprise News - Witness to testify about Entwistle’s visits to sex sites https://www.enterprisenews.com/article/20080619/NEWS/306199551
The Guardian - Neil Entwistle 'hunted for sex after murdering wife and daughter' “Sex shopping”
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2008/may/30/internationalcrime.usa ABC News - Entwistle Posts Lewd Photo Online https://abcnews.go.com/TheLaw/story?id=5402537&page=1 Boston Globe - Neil Was Rachel’s “Knight” Friend Says; Entwistle's Union Began In In England, Feb 6, 2006 https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.bpl.org/bostonglobe/docview/405002220/7A731E093D584C6DPQ/6?accountid=9675 Archives - Suspect Explored Killing On Web, Affidavit Declares https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.bpl.org/bostonglobe/docview/404995887/C903BD5A3BD7491APQ/3?accountid=9675
Irish Mirror - letter to penpal creepy sex stuff, Jan 23, 2016
10 years after with pics
Trial photos of bed
Entwistle defense team faces setbacks: Web pornography evidence allowed
Entwistle convicted of murder Jurors tell of rejecting theory that wife fired shots
Chemist says baby shot at close range: Testimony stuns courtroom at trial of Neil Entwistle
Boston Globe; 17 June 2008: B.2.
Inmate arraigned in jail attack; Man allegedly kicked Entwistle
Boston Globe; Boston, Mass. [Boston, Mass]08 Feb 2007
Seeking to explain a heartless crime Boston Globe, June 27, 2008 https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.bpl.org/bostonglobe/docview/405121851/78725499243642D1PQ/16?accountid=9675 Birmingham Mail - Convicted Killer Who Murdered Family is “a son to be proud of”
York Press - CRIME FILES: Former York student Neil Entwistle murdered wife and baby daughter https://www.yorkpress.co.uk/news/17859843.crime-files-former-york-student-neil-entwistle-murdered-wife-baby-daughter
LA Times - Two Deaths, One Mystery
Metrowest Daily - Mom in double murder recalled as ‘class leader’