What happened to Andy Puglisi? Part one. This is a true crime, local history, and storytelling podcast. I write about crimes, yes, I set the scene, connect story themes, I talk about things that happened here, in Massachusetts and New England. This episode is about murdered and missing children, one in particular, about child sexual abuse, the attitudes among the public at large in regard to this topic, and the part that the Catholic Church has played in the serial abuse of children. If this is something that will hurt you, impede your own healing, or offend you, it may not be something you wish to listen to. This often goes unsaid, but this podcast is not for children. Andy Puglisi vanished on August 21, 1976* from his neighborhood in Lawrence, Massachusetts. He was two weeks away from his eleventh birthday. His case remains one of the greatest mysteries in the state's history. Andy disappeared long before the many advances were made to assist in locating missing children in the hours immediately following an abduction. *Reposted new audio with edited date to reflect the day Andy was last seen. The search for Andy began on August 22, 1976. To this day, the question remains unanswered : What happened to Andy Puglisi? National Center For Missing and Exploited Children missingkids.org NCMEC Cyber Tipline NCMEC’s CyberTipline is the nation’s centralized reporting system for the online exploitation of children. The public and electronic service providers can make reports of suspected online enticement of children for sexual acts, child sexual molestation, child sexual abuse material, child sex tourism, child sex trafficking, unsolicited obscene materials sent to a child, misleading domain names, and misleading words or digital images on the internet. Every child deserves a safe childhood. 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-543-5678) cybertipline.org
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Photos: Andy Puglisi in undated photos, with his siblings, his mom Faith, the memorial at the pool, search images, news clips, images from "Have you seen Andy" (childhood friend and hero, Melanie perkins, Andy and his family,
[photos downloading above]
The Boston Globe Spotlight piece, Jan 6, 2002 - Church allowed abuse by priest for years - Aware of Geoghan record, archdiocese still shuttled him from parish to parish Mystic River by Dennis Lehane, 2001 Recommended viewing: Have You Seen Andy? by Melanie Perkins McLaughlin (Andy's childhood friend), 2007 Amber: The Girl Behind the Alert - the story of Amber Hagerman, 2023 Spotlight, 2015 film Mystic River, 2003 film The Keepers: Who Killed Sister Cathy?, 2017 Follow @CrimeoftheTruestKind #andypuglisi #lawrence #massachusetts #missing #abducted #childsexualabuse #bostonclergyscandal
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Sources, part one Andy Puglisi
Etan Patz
USA Today - Etan Patz – boy on the milk carton gets justice
Yahoo News - Etan Patz and the history of missing kids on milk cartons
Adam Walsh History.com - Adam Walsh abduction CBS News - Adam Walsh case 40 years later National Center for Missing & Exploited Children 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678) https://www.missingkids.org
Boston Globe - A priest, a boy, and a murder
The killer was only ever going to be Richard Lavigne, who as a priest groomed 13-year-old altar boy Danny Croteau to rape him, then murdered him and tossed him in the Chicopee River when Danny became a nuisance. By Kevin Cullen, May 24, 2021
Inmate murdered pedophile priest Worcester Telegram & Gazette - Officer Says Druce Boasted about Killing
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